
Outdoor Photography Tips from a Worcester Photographer

By Jessica Hughes March 1, 2017

Spring is on the way, and with it comes the fun of getting back outside with your little ones.  It is the perfect time break out your camera and capture some fun family memories.  Easier said than done, right?  Photographing children can be a challenge, but with a few tricks up your sleeve, you can create beautiful images that you will treasure for years to come.

1)  Get down on their level.  Kids literally see the world from a different perspective.  Bend down, sit on the floor, or even lay down on the floor when photographing them.  You want to be at eye-level or slightly below, particularly for younger children.  It will bring you into their world, which is what you want to capture.

2)  Look for the best light.  Watch how the light moves through your home or yard during various times of the day.  Keep in mind that harsh, midday sun will cast dark shadows under eyes and other facial features.  Just after sunrise and the last couple hours before sunset will give you the most flattering lighting.  My best advice to you is to practice and pay attention to how different lighting affects your photos. 

3)  Skip the posing and let kids be kids.  Children are oftentimes so accustomed to hearing "Say cheese!" that they fall into the same poses for every photograph (or run the other way, as is the case with my own child).  If you want to capture real moments, get down on their level and photograph them while they're engaged in an activity.  If you're after a genuine smile, try joking with them to get them to laugh.  It will feel much more authentic than if you ask them to smile or say "cheese."  

Most importantly, have fun and keep practicing!  

Jessica Hughes Photography